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7 Awesome Easter Eggs Hidden on Youtube

Updated on March 20, 2014

Google has a reputation of being a fun loving company that loves to keep its users entertained in many different ways. It's no surprise that since Google bought YouYube, this fun loving atmosphere of theirs has spilled over onto YouTube to keep even more users entertained in even more ways.

Google and Youtube like to keep things fresh and change things up, so some of these may not work a year from now, but as of the time of this writing I've personally tested all of these Easter eggs - they work.


Beam Me Up Scotty!

Most are familiar with the phrase "Beam me up Scotty!" made popular by the show Star Trek.

Montgomery "Scotty" Scott was the Chief Engineer aboard the USS Enterprise for much of the show. The catchphrase, "Beam me up, Scotty!" was the command given to Scotty by Captain Kirk when the captain needed to be transported back to the ship. The phrase found its way to popular culture and is widely used today.

If you search "Beam me up Scotty" on Youtube, your results will have an effect as to look like they are being beamed onto your screen by Scotty.

Use The Force Luke!

Another popular phrase used by YouTube is "Use the force, Luke!" This popular phrase was used in George Lucas' hit movie "Star Wars." In the scene leading to the destruction of the Death Star, Obi Wan's voice is heard telling Luke to "Use the force, Luke!" Luke then switches his targeting computer off and uses the force to guide his beams into the ventilation shaft, destroying the Death Star.

When you search "Use the force Luke" on YouTube, the results appear mobile and you move them using "The Force."

Well, using your mouse.



Whether a geek or not a geek, everyone can appreciate the Fibonacci sequence. The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical constant seen throughout nature - everything from flowers to trees and even many animals.

The Fibonacci sequence is one in that the two numbers added together create the next. Here is an example:


A very common and clear example of the concept is the shell of a snail, the curl that starts small and tight, then elongates and widens as it comes outward.

When you search Fibonacci on YouTube, your results will be displayed in this manner, somewhat resembling a snail’s shell. Give it a try!

Missile Command

Missile Command was a popular game for the Atari console of the past. During which, missiles are attacking your base and yourself. Controlling 4 anti-missile gun sites, you must defend your base. It’s a fun and challenging game, with a simple concept.

While watching any video on YouTube you can click off into the white area, just to be sure you aren't typing in the search bar or comment box, and type "1980." The game will appear above your video, your goal is to defend your video from the missiles. If you fail the video gets broken and stops, while displaying a fun little message

Much wow.
Much wow. | Source

Such Doge. Wow.

"Doge" has been a breakout internet meme recently, in which a Shiba Inu dog is featured. A Shiba Inu is a relatively small spitz-breed dog from Japan. The "Doge" meme often includes writing over a picture of said dog, in a broken type of English, intended to comment on the situation the dog is in at the time. If you haven't seen it, give it a Google, it’s worth the time.

Searching "Doge Meme" on YouTube will not only bring you many videos of this meme, but change all the words on the screen to the fonts and colors most commonly associated with the wording used in the meme itself.

The Wadsworth Constant

The Wadsworth Constant is a theory made popular by users of Reddit, stating that the actual meaning of a video, conversation or comment only reaches its point after 30% of it has been passed by. YouTube caught onto this and decided to have some fun and thus, this next Easter egg was born.

By typing "&wadsworth=1" at the end of the URL for any video you open, it will automatically skip to the 30 percent mark, and start the video from there.

Do The Harlem Shake

And finally I bring you the last entry, one I personally found hilarious.

The Harlem Shake was an internet sensation in 2013; YouTube was saturated with videos of groups "doing the Harlem Shake." Said videos started with a sole person in a room dancing to the opening tune of the song that lent the video its name, but things get crazy when the beat drops and the song picks up. Suddenly the room is filled with dancing people, many in varying costumes or situations.

I honestly can't do the videos justice with my explanation; I've included a video of kids reacting to the Harlem Shake to help you truly understand, in the case that you've never seen a Harlem Shake video before.

On YouTube if you search "Do the Harlem Shake" YouTube will do its own Harlem Shake for you. Go try it out!


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